This is such a powerful book that will transform your life.
Focus on reading chapters 4, 14, and 7 for the next 90 days.
This strategy works by utilizing three parts, but before I tell you what they are, you need to understand what this thing can do.
It would help you bring order and understanding to your mind, this would help turn that perfect life in your mind into reality since your mind is an unseen part of your personality, it holds what you think and what you dream of achieving, but sadly it can't just happen by dreaming alone, because those challenges would always steer you away from your dreams. But you can face those challenges and get your dream accomplished with this strategy. Let me introduce you to MY STICK PERSON FRIEND to help explain how simple, yet powerful this is.
My job here is to open your eyes to the power you have, to show you how you can control any challenges or circumstances surrounding whatever deep change you are trying to make in your life.
It is that simple, all you need is to direct that power to whatever results you are trying to achieve and you won't feel the same in the next twelve weeks after you have passed through with this 3-part strategy.

Part 1- Conscious Mind
This part is already in play if you are reading this now. Whatever brought you to this page started in your mind, what you thought this could help achieve, whatever change that could, you just have to know it's possible and it started with Your FREE WILL to think.
You have the ultimate control over what you want as far as you have put in your thoughts but challenges and limitations can make you unconsciously accept uncritical ideas from the outside source which leads you into the second part, But once you master this stage you would be unstoppable.
Part 2- Subconscious Mind
Obstacles are meant to test you when you embark on a life-changing process, however, you wish to react to it is what determines your result which is why I would be actively involved in this stage.
Every thought your conscious mind accepts can sometimes be affected by the unconscious mind and it can never reject it.
And it happens when those challenges or limitations unconsciously conform your mind to settle for less because your subconscious mind is limitless, so it would always find a way to feed your conscious mind over and overturn whatever it feeds on into a fixed idea.
So if it finds a way to settle for less, that's what would happen to your dreams...
So I would teach you how to control those thoughts and use them to excel instead of settling for less.

Part 3- The Body
Although this is the most obvious part of you, the material medium, it is merely the instrument of the mind or the house you live in. The thoughts or images that are consciously chosen, impressed upon the subconscious (which is in every cell of your body), must move your body into action. The actions you are involved in determine your results.
That means to create lasting change, it's as simple as...
No. 1 - Thoughts (Conscious),
No. 2 - Feelings (Subconscious),
No. 3 - Action (Body),
No. 4 - Results (Transformations).
Only When You Change All Three Areas Will You Experience Complete Transformation, and the transformation happens in only 12 weeks! Not years, or decades... weeks.

Peter Gagliardo, Worcester's #1 Cognitive Behavioral Therapist, Professional hypnotist, and Advanced Master Reiki Teacher whose goal is to spread the importance of Holistic Health and Wellness Therapy.
Peter has used this strategy to help over 11,970 people which comprises different people in the world like participants in fortune 500 companies, Brands, and prominent celebrities.
Peter Gagliardo, CEO of Worcester's Holistic Health & Wellness, is also keen on helping his clients reach their life aspirations by creating well-designed strategies that would help you achieve any set goals no matter what obstacle you might be facing.

Peter is so good that he has been featured on Business talk radios, NBC, CBS, FOX, and WCAA cable television.