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Quit Smoking with Hypnotherapy | In-Office & Online Sessions | Effective & Affordable 

Finally! An all-natural way to breathe easier, smell better, and dramatically improve your health.

There is more than one trigger to smoking. There are six triggers.


1) Physical Nicotine

2) Habit and Association

3) Stress and Tension

4) Boredom and Frustration

5) Fatigue and Stimulation

6) Relaxation and Enjoyment


Only when you beat all six triggers will you be able to quit smoking!

Right Now, You are standing at a fork in the road of your life...

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If you choose to wait and continue to smoke then you end up dealing with... 

  • Spending up to $5,000 a year on something that has zero health benefits.

  • Running the risk of getting COPD, lung cancer, and heart disease.

  • Trouble breathing doing the simplest of tasks like bringing in groceries.

  • Feeling like a hypocrite because you are doing something you don't want your children, grandchildren, or even pets to do.

  • Being a social outcast.

  • Fear of dying young or even being stuck to an oxygen tank still wishing you quit smoking.

  • Feel like you have no control or power in your life because the cigarette controls you.


So our goal is to rewind and reverse all of that, and we do that with this process

What happens during my Session?

This is going to be dramatically different from anything you’ve done before. From the moment you walk in the door, we will get to work immediately to identify what has been holding you back… and help you let go of it!


Hypnosis is a natural process in which your mind is more receptive to positive suggestions, insight, and releasing negative feelings.  It’s your mind’s ability to integrate new skills, strategies, and strengths rapidly.



We will talk about the new reality you are ready to enjoy as a nonsmoker, free of cigarettes for life. I will explain every step of this process to you before anything happens. I care about your well-being, and I want you to understand the science of how it works and why this process is so effective. You feel completely comfortable and excited to begin.


I will work with your neurological system for about 15 minutes. You don’t have a conscious problem. You didn’t consciously decide to get hooked on smoking. You have an unconscious problem holding onto the cigarettes deep within your mental, physical, and emotional system.

The fact that you’re reading this website means that, up until we meet, your system wants to keep you smoking. As an immediate result of the work we’ll do together, your own body will indicate that the problem has been cleared from your system. Many of my clients tell me they already knew they were nonsmokers even before sitting in the chair for the hypnotic state.


We will address and eradicate your old smoking habit from all angles. You will experience an evidence-based profound Hypnotic experience specifically designed for you to help you throw out the cigarettes and take back control of your life.

Your part of this is easy. To my clients' surprise, it can also be much fun. Respectfully, this shit doesn’t have to be complicated anymore. So relax. You will sit in a comfy recliner, and it will be just like listening to me tell you a story. You will be awake and alert the entire time. You will be completely in control. You will remember everything clearly.


It will be like before you ever smoked when you open your eyes. Even if someone blows smoke in your face, it won't bother you a bit. You will be a non-smoker!


You will be a raving fan of the process. Most of my stop-smoking clients come in by way of referral because of the immediate effects and long-term outcomes you will notice as you’re now free of the cigarettes for life.





Here's what people are saying:

"My Husband and I went to Our Power Up Coach to Quit Smoking. We both tried everything else to Quit and failed miserably. With 2 young boys, we wanted to set a good example for them and figured why not try one more thing. I am so glad we did! Here we are a year later and our coach still reaches out to us to make sure we are doing well. We are now ready to take the next step in our life and letting our coach help us take control  of our eating habits to make them more consistent."- Scott and Jessica

"I am a hair stylist and I was always running outside to have a smoke. I could tell it was bothering my clients smelling it on my and I didn't like how it made me feel. I always used it as a crutch to "get away" when i needed a break, but My Power Up Coach helped me find a new way to still "get away" and now I don't miss smoking at all. I am so glad my sister in law when to them and told me about them. It has changed my life for the better"- Crystal

How Long Does it Take to Get Results?

Everyone is different. Most people are non-smokers after the first session though.


Imagine how hard it is to forget the number 3! IF that can happen (seen in the video in under 2 minutes), Quitting Smoking is even easier.


What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a state of focused consciousness. Your Hypnotherapist will assist you in learning how to achieve this state by guiding you into it.



Once this has been achieved, you will then receive what are called hypnotic suggestions. These suggestions will enable you to use the power of hypnosis in your life to make the changes you desire.



Hypnosis can help you change habits and to provide you with the motivation to do the things that you may have been putting off.



Hypnotherapy applies this use of hypnosis to move someone toward health and wholeness.

Is Hypnosis Safe?

Hypnosis is safe. It is very similar to experiencing a daydream. Usually, you feel relaxed when doing hypnosis.


Hypnosis in and of itself is a very pleasant experience. It is a time to let go of the other thoughts of the day and focus on the issues you came in to work on.

Can I be Hypnotized?

Of course, you can! You already have been. It's easy to go into hypnosis and it's a normal state of mind everyone has already experienced.


Hypnosis is such a normal state of the mind, that most people usually don't even realize that they are hypnotized.


Normal everyday hypnosis occurs when you are driving down the road and lose track of time when you are reading a book, or watching television and you don't even notice something that is going on around you.


When you come in for hypnosis, all you need to do is to be able to follow the instructions of the hypnotherapist and you can pull the power of hypnosis to work for you. As long as you have the willingness and the ability to follow instructions, you can experience hypnosis and use it to improve your life.

Is there a Guarantee I Will Quit Smoking?

All Quit Smoking Sessions come with a 1-Year Smoke-Free Guarantee.


Here's the catch:


We can't (and won't) accept everyone. We pride ourselves on our 93% success rate in helping people quit smoking.


In order to invest our time and energy into providing you with a custom Quit Smoking Session, you need to meet some strict (but reasonable) criteria.


Here it is:


1. You can't be looking to Quit Smoking Without being honest with yourself or trying to replace smoking with any unhealthy behaviors. 


Nor will I work with anyone who thinks I have a "silver bullet." We are creating a new healthy lifestyle for you that will find healthy responses that keep you a non-smoker, shift your mindset to a healthy one, and use all the tools we give you to arm yourself for the lifestyle you want.


2. You must be willing to make these lifestyle changes 


This isn’t for people who want to quit smoking and not make any lifestyle changes.


Shared from Google:

Quit smoking hypnosis worcester massachusetts cbt cognitive behavioral therapy
Quit smoking hypnosis worcester massachusetts cbt cognitive behavioral therapy

Here's what people are saying:

"I went to Pete to stop a habit that I didn't like. I thought it would be difficult to stop. Instead, it's been a month, I have not relapsed, it's been easy for me to stay on track, and I feel great! Now I am making an appointment to work on something different so I can make further improvements in my life that I have tried but have not been successful alone, improvements that I've wanted for years. I can't wait."- James

"I own my own small construction company. I originally came to see my Power Up Coach to quit smoking and that alone saved me $900 a month. Then Pete helped me tighten up my business so I am more efficient and more profitable. I never thought of using a coach before, but now I wish I went to him years ago because I can only imagine where'd I'd be right now."- Ron 

Do you really need more reasons to quit smoking? 

Here are 27 of them.


​You will:

  • Save thousands of dollars

  • Add years to your life

  • Breathe easier

  • Handle stress better

  • Hypnosis is completely safe and natural

  • Restore your energy

  • Be more attractive to romantic partners

  • Smell the world around you better

  • Set fewer accidental fires

  • Relax more easily

  • Hypnosis doesn’t have any side effects

  • Smell better yourself

  • Experience comfort with zero withdrawal

  • Boost your self esteem

  • Improve your physical experience

  • Enjoy a healthier heart and lungs

  • Get your loved ones off your back

  • Eliminate the shame of smoking

  • Not freeze your ass off in the winter

  • Have more room in your pockets

  • You won’t have to replace other bad habits

  • Maintain your weight easily

  • Reduce the risk of major disease

  • Exercise more comfortably

  • Not have to “plan ahead” when traveling

  • Reduce the risk to others with second-hand smoke

  • Not hack up a lung in the morning

A professional reputation is known around the world.

You will not find another Cognitive Behavioral Hypnotist in the area with the proven track record of experience I am sharing with you on this page.


I love what I do. This is what I do best, and it shows.


I know my services are not cheap but compared to the thousands of dollars you will earn back by quitting smoking, and the potential tens of thousands of dollars wasted in medical expenses, it is affordable.

Quit smoking hypnosis worcester massachusetts cbt cognitive behavioral therapy

Who Will Hypnotize Me?

Peter Gagliardo, Certified Professional Master Hypnotist and Cognitive Behavioral Therapist (CBT)

Peter is the Founder of Worcester Holistic Health & Wellness and has worked with Fortune 500 Companies, Brands, and Celebrities. He is the author of the best-selling book '90 Days to a better you.  He looks at his Client's Short term and Long term goals, the obstacles they're running into, and he helps them craft a strategy to reach their goals in the shortest possible amount of time. 

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Quit smoking hypnosis worcester massachusetts cbt cognitive behavioral therapy
Quit smoking hypnosis worcester massachusetts cbt cognitive behavioral therapy

Celebrities who have quit smoking using Hypnosis

Quit smoking hypnosis worcester massachusetts cbt cognitive behavioral therapy

Barak Obama

Former US President

He has been Smoke-Free for about eight years now

Quit smoking hypnosis worcester massachusetts cbt cognitive behavioral therapy

Chelsea Handler


Chelsea took to her Instagram to share a throwback photo of her when she smoked and how happy she was that this helped her stop smelling like a smoker.

Quit smoking hypnosis worcester massachusetts cbt cognitive behavioral therapy

Ewan McGregor


McGregor said that this made stopping seem “effortless” and has not touched a cigarette since 2009.

Quit smoking hypnosis worcester massachusetts cbt cognitive behavioral therapy

Drew Barrymore


She has remained smoke–free since she had her smoking cessation sessions.

Here’s what to do next:


This process begins with you.

Click here to schedule a Free Hypnosis Strategy Session to set a plan for your success.

Is this Effective if I choose Zoom?
I could say yes, but here is a video for you to see...

Your program will be custom-designed based on you.

​Stop smoking and you will discover:


  • Learn my CRAVING BUSTER methods so you can release the past cravings or stress.

  • Why willpower is one of the least effective methods for personal change.

  • The 5 emotional needs your mind and body hoped would be met by smoking, and how to easily and automatically create new behaviors that will actually satisfy you.

  • My POWER OF PREMISE secrets to instantly flip all the reasons it seemed hard to quit smoking into the reasons you can make it easy.

  • The one part of your mind that we will reverse to now support you rather than hold you back.

  • How to maintain success even while around the companies of others who smoke.

  • Unmatched professional experience from thousands of hours of training and tens of thousands of hours “in the trenches” helping people just like you.

Quit smoking hypnosis worcester massachusetts cbt cognitive behavioral therapy


Still have questions?

​Please be sure to scroll to the top of this page and watch the Stop Smoking video from start to finish all the way through. It answers many of the questions you might already have, plus the ones you haven’t yet thought to ask.

This process begins with you. Click here to schedule your FREE 20-Minute Hypnosis Strategy Session by phone. Together, we’ll discuss your goals, talk through the process of Hypnosis, and set a plan for your success.

Check out this research: Studies on the Effectiveness of Hypnosis for Smoking Cessation
  • 90.6% Success Rate for Smoking Cessation Using Hypnosis

Of 43 consecutive patients undergoing this treatment protocol, 39 reported remaining abstinents from tobacco use at follow-up (6 months to 3 years post-treatment). This represents a 90.6% success rate using Hypnosis. University of Washington School of Medicine, Depts. of Anesthesiology and Rehabilitation Medicine, Int J Clin Exp Hypn. 2001 Jul;49(3):257-66. Barber J.

  • 87% Reported Abstinence From Tobacco Use With Hypnosis

A field study of 93 male and 93 female CMHC outpatients examined the facilitation of smoking cessation by using Hypnosis. At the 3-month follow-up, 86% of the men and 87% of the women reported continued abstinence from the use of tobacco using Hypnosis. Performance by gender in a stop-smoking program combining hypnosis and aversion. Johnson DL, Karkut RT. Adkar Associates, Inc., Bloomington, Indiana. Psychol Rep. 1994 Oct;75(2):851-7. PMID: 7862796 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]

  • 81% Reported They Had Stopped Smoking After Hypnosis

Thirty smokers enrolled in an HMO were referred by their primary physician for treatment. Twenty-one patients returned after an initial consultation and received Hypnotherapy for smoking cessation. At the end of treatment, 81% of those patients reported stopping smoking, and 48% reported abstinence at 12 months post-treatment. Texas A&M University, System Health Science Center, College of Medicine, College Station, TX USA. Int J Clin Exp Hypn. 2004 Jan;52(1):73-81. Clinical Hypnosis for smoking cessation: preliminary results of a three-session intervention. Elkins GR, Rajab MH.

  • Hypnosis Patients Twice As Likely To Remain Smoke-Free After Two Years

A study of 71 smokers showed that patients who quit with hypnosis were twice as likely to remain smoke-free after a two-year follow-up than those who quit on their own. Guided health imagery for smoking cessation and long-term abstinence. Wynd, CA. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 2005; 37:3, pages 245-250.

  • Hypnosis is More Effective Than Drug Interventions For Smoking Cessation

Group Hypnosis sessions were evaluated at a less effective success rate (22% success) than individualized hypnosis sessions. However, group hypnosis sessions were still demonstrated to be more effective than drug interventions. Ohio State University, College of Nursing, Columbus, OH 43210, USA Descriptive outcomes of the American Lung Association of Ohio Hypnosis smoking cessation program. Ahijevych K, Yerardi R, Nedilsky N.

  • Hypnosis is Most Effective Says Largest Study Ever: 3 Times as Effective as Patch and 15 Times as Effective as Willpower.

Hypnosis is the most effective way of giving up smoking, according to the largest ever scientific comparison of ways of breaking the habit. A meta-analysis statistically combined results of more than 600 studies of 72,000 people from America and Europe to compare various methods of quitting. Hypnosis was over three times as effective as nicotine replacement methods and 15 times as effective as trying to quit alone. The University of Iowa, Journal of Applied Psychology, How One in Five Give Up Smoking. October 1992. (Also New Scientist, October 10, 1992.) Studies on the Effectiveness of Hypnosis for Smoking Cessation. (2009, April 8). Retrieved from

Here’s what to do next:


This process begins with you.

Click here to schedule your Free Hypnosis Strategy Session to be Free of the control of cigarettes.
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